Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Innovative Compressed Air and Gas Solution

Oxygen Generator

  Onsite Oxygen Generator Package for Medical and Industry  
Oxygen Machine-For Medical    (More info about KOMGAS...)
  Oxygen machine for medical is using PSA technology or Pressure Swing Adsorption, so it can produce oxygen purity up to 93% - 95% with capacity 0.5 - 5.000 Nm3/h. KOMGAS machine produces oxygen from air, passing through prefilter unit with removing impurities such as moistness, steam oil, particle and hydrocarbon.  After passing through filter molecules zeolite, it removes molecules nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the air compressed. Both filter work by turns between filter and regeneration that make an effort to ensure oxygen flow sustainability.
Oxygen purity which reachs 95% are using for various needs, one of them used in order to medical needs. KOMGAS Medical Oxygen is usually placed in hospital to supply availability of pure oxygen. Innovation that offered by KOMGAS Medical Oxygen has a big impact for the management hospital especially for sufficient medical oxygen availability and cost savings. 

Mesin Oksigen

  Oksigen Generator  
  Oxygen Machine-For Industry      

Oxygen is a kind of gas which has no color, no odor and no taste. It can be an   oksidator and if it reacts with hydrocarbon, it will generate heat and fire which has 183 °C boiling point (pressure 1 atm).
Oxygen has several functions for industry, it can be used for furnace steel coachwork, welding, and cutting volume/ foundry and glossworks burner, bleaching paper industry (pulp), synthesis gas production (industry methanol, ammonia), fish faming, oxygen booster dissolved in water (bringing fish to keep it alive and fresh, waste water treatment), and if mixed with other gases can be used for diving.


Medical Oxygen

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